Friday 3 December 2021


W.a.l.t: create a detailed and descriptive narrative.

Day 1 after the plane crashed I was able to gather all the debris from the plane and I was able to get everything except the embryo it must of died from the crash I still don´t know

What made the crash the engine was fine a bird didn't fly into the propeller it's almost like we were sabotage and the mech suit is wait wait a sabotage mech suit embryo missing oh no (metal klinks) aaaawwwuuuhhhhcccc 

Day two I have made a base of operations with a bloodthirsty robot embryo out to get me I used the old plane parts it rain proof and robot proof I have made a farm it just potatoes but a good food source speaking of food source I learned to fish salmon taste great


Day 1 of creation the bomb human is quite anoining I must distroy him it simes to in my deta to distroy bombs i must make an operation quarter to charage and send info    

Day 3 I have made weapons out of fish bones and metal scraps I still dont where I am and then I dead 

THE END        




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